1 Vocabulary Story 904 An Old Mongolian Emperor
The old Genghis Kan was elusive. He had been a panjandrum in
his youth, winning temporal fame; now sedition was a possibility.
He wanted to give a patrimony to his sons.
He chided his advisors in a jovial way while figuring with an abacus,
interjecting vociferous objections at times.
2 Vocabulary Story 904 An Old Mongolian Emperor
The old Genghis Kan was kept hidden. He had been a powerful man in
his youth, winning earthly fame; now treachery was a possibility.
He wanted to give an inheritance to his sons.
He scolded his advisors in a good natured way while figuring with a adding,
beads, inserting loud objections at times.
1 Vocabulary Story 922 The Oscar Show
People used to be riveted to the Oscar show. You did not have to
coerce people. The pregnant pause before the big award was thrilling.
Now the show has become senile, dousing the interest of the audience.
Erratic moves have been made to remedy the situation but they only
exasperate the few remaining viewers. The show is obstreperous and
filled with bathos. It’s time for the Academy to publish a manifesto
stating what it’s about.
2 Vocabulary Story 922 The Oscar Show
People used to be glued to the Oscar show. You did not have to
force people. The suspenseful pause before the big award was thrilling.
Now the show has become old and weak, putting a cold blanket on the audience’s
interest. Odd moves have been made to fix the situation but they only
frustrate the few remaining viewers. The show is loud and
filled with phony emotionalism. It’s time for the Academy to publish a statement
clarifying what it’s about.
1 Vocabulary Story 921 The South’s Desperate Plan
As the South began to lose the US Civil War, the Confederacy took
measures apropos to the gravity of the situation. They took formerly
traduced dissidents from prisons and crazy houses and collated them
into units that could be used to skirmish with the invading Union forces.
These were conjoined into armies; the generals accorded the biases
of their officers to give rank. As they moved forward, these grim troops
chanted incantations.
2 Vocabulary Story 921 The South’s Desperate Plan
As the South began to lose the US Civil War, the Confederacy took
measures appropriate to the seriousness of the situation. They took formerly
slandered odd people from prisons and crazy houses and sorted them
into units that could be used to fight with the invading Union forces.
These were assembled into armies; the generals gave in the whims
of their officers to give rank. As they moved forward, these grim troops
chanted magic tunes.
1 Vocabulary Story 911 Boston USA Two Faces
Boston is prudish. Yes, they have a penchant to be liberal, underscored
by empathy for the poor. However; all this goes into abeyance when
people infringe on their property. Then they become conducive to wanting
police and order; with an attitude that would qualify as an ice
2 Vocabulary Story 911 Boston USA Two Faces
Boston is overly-proper. Yes, they have a leaning to be generous, demonstrated
by feelings for the poor. However; all this goes into neutral when
people trespass on their property. Then they become ready to call the
police for order; with an attitude that would qualify as a glacier.
1 Vocabulary Story 912 The US’s Southern Border
There is dismal bedlam at the US Southern border. Adherents to
the open borders doctrine say any restrictions are an affront. People
are lining up en masse to enter the spacious USA. The levee is about
to burst.
Inept border services work in makeshift kitchens with incandescent
bulbs hanging. It is hardly food for a gourmand but nourishing.
2 Vocabulary Story 912 The US’s Southern Border
There is depressing chaos at the US Southern border. Followers of
the open borders doctrine say any limitations are objectionable. People
are lining up all together to enter the big USA. The dam is about
to burst.
Over loaded border services work in makeshift kitchens with glowing light
bulbs hanging. It is hardly food for a fine eater but nourishing.
1 Vocabulary Story 928 Our Sad Morality Values
We now have unprecedently pliable morality and legal systems.
There are weak convictions, using slight pretexts to mollycoddle criminals,
absolving them of wrong doing. It is an improvised system, vilifying
good people as a panacea for supposed past wrongs.
At the same time, abortion is rampant and there is talk of euthanizing
the old and infirm.
2 Vocabulary Story 928 Our Sad Morality Values
We now have unheard of flexible morality and legal systems.
There are weak beliefs, using minor excuses to pamper criminals,
forgiving them for wrong doing. It is a made-up-on-the-fly system, condemning
good people as a cure-all for supposed past wrongs.
At the same time, abortion is pervasive and there is talk of ‘mercy killing’
the old and infirm.
In an ironic succinct history of the start of WW1, events are outlined.
In an obscure part of the Austrian Empire people were indifferent to, an incidental event happened. It complimented the building tensions.
The former malliable alliances had solidified into two camps. It was with remorse later that people thought back on the failed oppourtunity to appease Austria. Europe crashed into oblivion.
In an odd brief history of the start of WW1, events are outlined.
In an little known part of the Austrian Empire people were uninterested in , an iunintended event happened. It added to the building tensions.
The former shifting alliances had formed into two camps. It was with regret later that people thought back on the failed oppourtunity to calm down Austria. Europe crashed into nothingness.
1 Vocabulary Story 959 John Wilkes Booth Lincoln’s Assassin
John Wilkes Booth led a cabal. The theater was his milieu. He
was like a figurative whelp, belying any bad motives that might be
attributed to him. He could claim he was there to keep things in
working kilter.
He affirmed his deadly intent to his fellow plotters. He moved with dexterity
to the presidential box to shoot Lincoln dead. The whole gang was treated
with asperity after they were captured.
2 Vocabulary Story 959 John Wilkes Booth Lincoln’s Assassin
John Wilkes Booth led a plot. The theater was his environment. He
was like amusing bothersome pup, deflecting any bad purposes that might be
thought about him. He could claim he was there to keep things in
working order.
He declared his deadly intended action to his fellow plotters. He moved with
nimbleness to the presidential box to shoot Lincoln dead. The whole gang was
treated with savagery after they were captured.
1 Vocabulary Story 956 The disappearance of NYC Nightclubs
The dissolution of NYC nightcluns by arbiters has left it devoid
of a bulwark of its night social structure. The money was allotted to creditors.
Nightclubs were once prevalent and elfin young women and handsome
men stood vigil in them until the dawn.
You used to see their caponies up and down 5th avenue. Now, only
etchings in the swidewalks show where they once were.
2 Vocabulary Story 956 The disappearance of NYC Nightclubs
The breakup of NYC nightcluns by judges has left it stripped
of a might institution of its night social structure. The money was handed to
lenders. Nightclubs were once common and pixieish young women and handsome
men stood watch in them until the dawn.
You used to see their awnings up and down 5th avenue. Now, only
scratches in the swidewalks show where they once were.
1 Vocabulary Story 1001 Why Second Born Sons Attacked New Lands
It was the prerogative for the successive first born sons to inherit
the whole estate. So, younger sons diffused, looking for new lands.
They were not abashed to be culpable of crimes as chronicled by the historians
of Sicily and other places. This fraternal arrangement is the plausible
reason for a lot of bathos and history.
2 Vocabulary Story 1001 Why Second Born Sons Attacked New Lands
It was the right for the each first born sons to inherit
the whole estate. So, younger sons spread out, looking for new lands.
They were not ashamed to be guilty of crimes as recorded by the historians
of Sicily and other places. This brotherly system is the believable
reason for a lot of passion and history.
3 Vocabulary Story 1001 Why Second Born Sons Attacked New Lands
1 Vocabulary Story 983 The Change Over to Paper Money
The transition to paper money led to sweeping changes in the fiscal
situation of the USA. There had been phobia and bombast against it and
abortive attempts to make the change.
Experts appraised the situation and said the economy was like a
pneumatic tire, ready to burst and paper money could relieve it.
The change was done with nonchalance during the Civil War. Posthumously
revealed notes show the fear the government had at the move.
2 Vocabulary Story 983 The Change Over to Paper Money
The change to paper money led to far ranging changes in the financial
situation of the USA. There had been fear and speeches against it and
unsuccessful attempts to make the change.
Experts studied the situation and said the economy was like a
air filled tire, ready to burst and paper money could relieve it.
The change was done casually during the Civil War. After death notes
revealed, show the fear the government had at the move.
1 Vocabulary Story 989 Why the Catholic Church Fell Apart
A retrospective of the dilapidated Catholic Church is warranted.
It is an outgrowth of apostasy. The effusion of donations stopped.
As a pragmatic matter, reputed holy abbesses abdicated and sought connubial
relations to survive.
2 Vocabulary Story 989 Why the Catholic Church Fell Apart
A look back at the broken down Catholic Church is in order.
It is an result of unbelief. The flow of donations stopped.
As a practical matter, highly held holy head nuns resigned and sought
marriage relations to survive.
1 Vocabulary Story 992 German Industry at the End of WW2 Carries On
People defamed German industry as their fortunes began to ebb at
the end of WW2. Their use of husbandry became ever more intricate as
a continuum of raw materials became in short supply. It bemused bomber
crews, with a panorama of the destruction, that they could carry on
at all.
Bavaria, with its proximity to coal mines, held out the longest.
Not that the workers were mollycoddled or anything.
2 Vocabulary Story 992 German Industry at the End of WW2 Carries On
People said bad things about German industry as their fortunes began to fall
at the end of WW2. Their use of resources became ever more tricky as
a range of raw materials became in short supply. It confounded bomber
crews, with a wide view of the destruction, that they could carry on
at all.
Bavaria, with its nearness to coal mines, held out the longest.
Not that the workers were pampered or anything.
1 Vocabulary Story 842 Tour of a Spitfire Plane Display
In the Imperial War Museum, is a display of a Spitfire and a recreation
of a WW2 airfield. The Spitfire was intrinsic to warding off the
barrages of the Luftwaffe in the early war years.
They showed how a paltry band of neophyte pilots with a modus vivendi
of abnegation prevailed. It was a time of pure alchemy. The tour guide
answered inquiries about many issues, garbled over the years.
2 Vocabulary Story 842 Tour of a Spitfire Plane Display
In the Royal War Museum, is a display of a Spitfire and a recreation
of a WW2 airfield. The Spitfire was essential to fending off the
blows of the Luftwaffe in the early war years.
They showed how a small band of newbie pilots with a lifestyle
of self sacrifice won. It was a time of pure magic. The tour guide
answered inquiries about many issues, confused over the years.
1 Vocabulary Story 986 Why the South Left the US Union
Circa 1840, a fraternal confederation of thinkers began to call
for southern independence. When things started to reach an impasse,
they had their toxic repertoire of speeches and actions ready.
It was suffused with irrational rhetoric but had cachet with Southerners
who felt empathy with them. When they took down the US flag, there
was a blithe mood in Southern lands.
2 Vocabulary Story 986 Why the South Left the US Union
Around 1840, a brotherly organization of thinkers began to call
for southern independence. When things started to reach a deadlock,
they had their deadly bag of tricks with speeches and actions ready.
It was filled to the brim with nonsensical thinking but had the OK with
Southerns who felt oneness with them. When they took down the US flag, there
was a cheerful mood in Southern lands.
1 Vocabulary Story 968 The Crude Juggernaut of American Industry
The inchoate U.S. industrial sector in the 1870’s showed an
unfaultering itinerary of ruthless growth.
Forensic study of records, expurgated at the time, prove this.
The weak were winnowed out and the derring do rewarded. The poor were
strictly partitioned from the rich. Nothing palliated this and the country
was heartened by its success.
2 Vocabulary Story 968 The Crude Juggernaut of American Industry
The forming U.S. industrial sector in the 1870’s showed an
unwavering agenda of pitiless growth.
Historical study of records, edited at the time, prove this.
The weak were sifted out and the daring rewarded. The poor were
strictly walled from the rich. Nothing softened this and the country
was encouraged by its success.
1 Vocabulary Story 971 Crisis on the US Border
There is a migratory mania on tne US border. It’s reaching a terminal
stage. People arrive with alacrity, carrying their bibelots. Some
suffer corporeal hardships.
It’s been ballyhooed that patriotism and nationalism is passe.
This has created the right ambiance for an influx of migrants. However;
this is not pristine without a lot of crime and political intrigue.
2 Vocabulary Story 971 Crisis on the US Border
There is a influx craze on the US border. It’s reaching a final
stage. People arrive with joyful quickness, carrying their treasurers. Some
suffer bodily hardships.
It’s been advertised that patriotism and nationalism are out of date.
This has created the right atmosphere for an inflow of migrants. However;
this is not clean without a lot of crime and political scheming.
1 Vocabulary Story 962 What Killed off Arabic Spain
Arab Spain had prudent potentates with inborn wisdom, able to channel their
people’s energies. They were able to repulse illicit immigrants and
invaders for decades.
However; when they became indifferent and lolled in luxury, a
malaise began; they became dejected leading to their downfall.
2 Vocabulary Story 962 What Killed off Arabic Spain
Arab Spain had wise leaders with inborn wisdom, able to focus their
people’s energies. They were able to throw off illegal immigrants and
invaders for ten’s of years.
However; when they became noncaring and lazed in luxury, a
illness began; they became depressed leading to their ruin.
1 Vocabulary Story 965 Conan the Barbarian from Birth to Old Age
In the museum is a diorama of Conan the Barbarian in exacting detail, with
even nominal features. It is in a somber period; for him,
when he was disheveled and daubed with mud; languishing at the
grist mill. He had to gesticulate to communicate.
The diorama follows his life from birth into his dotage.
2 Vocabulary Story 965 Conan the Barbarian from Birth to Old Age
In the museum is a model of Conan the Barbarian in fine detail, with
even minor features. It is in a depressing period; for him,
when he was untidy and smeared with mud; wasting away at the
grain mill. He had to do hand gestures to communicate.
The model follows his life from birth into his old age.